Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's session was actually okay

I thought it was going to be awful. Mostly because I didn't shut off the laptop till 1am (I was frantically getting a Halloween costume together for a party this weekend, way to be prepared!) and I was suuuuper tired. I was tired all day yesterday and wanted to get an early night; best laid plans and all that...

Anyway, I got my fat ass out of bed and went to the park. I did 5.09km in 50:42. I told you I was slow!! I did the same route (plus a bit extra) as the time my GPS said I did 5.03km in 46 minutes. I think it's safe to say that's definitely incorrect. I've manually changed it to an estimated 4.65km, which is still slightly faster than my average page has been but at least it's more in line.

Now that I've established that I can actually get through 5k of walking/jogging, I need to get the speed up. I think the best way is to either push harder through intervals and cover longer distances?

My diet hasn't been wonderful the last few days. Totally my own fault, but I'm going to blame it on my Mum's birthday because it's easier. Blog post to come on that later - with pictures!

I've done a pretty good amount of exercise so far, even though I missed my spin class. I was still on the waiting list anyway so whatevs. On Tuesday I did a 792m swim as well at the 5k training in the morning (the pool was 18m, I didn't pick this length to be awkward...) and my Dad and I had a bit of a race. He said he could tell that I was getting stronger and fitter as he couldn't catch up to me. Whoa, awesome.

Is it bad that I don't proof read my posts? Probably.

Anyway, Happy Halloween from this Runner 5*!

*Zombies, Run! reference. Because I'm cool like that.

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