Friday, October 25, 2013

This week

This week has been a little crappy on the diet and exercise front. My usual week has been something like the below (5k training days sometimes change but it's 3 times per week):

Monday - Body Pump
Tuesday - 5k training (morning), 2hrs belly dance (evening)
Wednesday - Spin
Thursday - 5k training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 5k training & light swim
Sunday - 1-2 hour walk with the doggy

This week has been:

Monday - hangover
Tuesday - 5k training, 2hrs belly dance
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing (yet?)

So yeah, real good, right?

Wednesday night I didn't actually sleep at all. When I was about to fall asleep at just after 5am, my dog threw up.

On my bed.


I was crazy tired all day, so Thursday was a complete write off. I was actually pretty sad that morning, because the weather was perfect for an autumn run*.

This morning, I managed to sleep through my alarm so didn't get up in time to go out before work this morning. I'm hoping to get out this evening, but I'm still (super) tired from the no-sleep-Thursday-night issue, so it will most likely Saturday morning.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll only make 2/3 training sessions this week, and that's okay. Sometimes things don't go as planned. I should be able to make up for missing one in the coming weeks.

My diet hasn't been terrible this week, but not wonderful either. Time to step it up.

Aside from that, it's almost the weekend. Hooray! I'm really looking forward to my friends' birthday on Saturday, it's a 1920s themed night so should be a lot of fun.

Too much alcohol is going to be consumed this weekend.  Don't judge me, I'm half Irish. It can't be helped.

I really need to curb my alcohol intake while out with friends, though. It's not conducive to a good diet, weight loss or having the motivation to exercise. Balls.


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