Thursday, February 06, 2014

Things are better

I feel much better than a few days ago.

Venting helped. A lot.

I have one regular reader (that I know of, hi Nikki!) and I think a lot of people that stumble across my blog read a bit and then never return.

I'm boring, I know. Sorreeeeeee.

Side note: if you do read, please comment once in a while. I'd love to talk to random faceless internet people. Not that I'm a creeper or anything. Or am I?

Anyway, just venting to practically no-one on the internet let me get it out of my system and I started feeling a bit better within a few hours.

My job is running a bit more smoothly, I'm not stressing as much and the time is starting to pass quicker. That's always good.

I still haven't run yet (it's been nearly 2 weeks... JEEZ) but I'm hoping to squeeze one in before my impending surgery (of doom?).

I'm getting some more blood taken tomorrow before surgery. It's on Tuesday. That's come around so quickly!

I'm not scared right now but I'm sure I will be when I'm actually there. Cue fabulous pictures from a hospital bed. You bet I'm gonna take some selfies.

Here's one from the Almighty Leg Fiasco of 2008:

Maybe I'll write about that injury one day. I still regret not being super weird and asking someone to take a picture of my backwards-hanging foot.

Imagine it.


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