Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Terrible run. GAH.


I was excited to try out my Garmin for the first time today.

I was going to go out for an hour, but decided on 30 min once I actually got home because I wasn't feeling it. Was going to try and run for the whole 30 minutes and beat my previous 27 minute record as well as the previous 1.95 mile run record.

Did not happen in the slightest. Not even nearly.

First walk break after 6 minutes at 0.46 miles. Did a total of 3.94 km in 32 minutes (last 2 minutes I walked fairly slowly as I'd turned my garmin off). Mostly walking, interspersed with bursts of jogging and one burst of acutal running.

My sprint pace is literally other people's regular running pace. Good times for me.

My legs were so heavy today and I couldn't get my breathing right at all. It just felt really hard. Horrible.

Hoping the next run is a better one. I know there are good and bad days, but that doesn't make the bad ones suck any less!

Love my Garmin, though. It's awesome and pink.

Had a hot bubble bath and now I'm gonna cook some healthy food to cheer myself up.

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