Such is life, I suppose. Some weeks will be better than others, but you (I) need to keep going at it.
I do need to start being more strict with my diet, though. My weight hasn't changed at all which means I'm eating too much, no if's or but's. Sorry, self, the truth sucks. Who would think that you can't eat all the food half the time and healthy the other half and still lose weight?!
My fitness has come a long way in the last few weeks too, so that's fantastic, and my mindset has changed. Before, exercise was done strictly during the week and if I ever went to the gym on the weekend, I felt like it was a free pass for all the noms. Now, it's just part of my routine and I don't even think about it (I am still guilty of sometimes eating all the noms). I get it done in the morning so I'm free to do whatever in the afternoon and evening. If I've gone for my 5k training or a swim, then I feel energised and be productive (like actually cleaning my room).
Clearly exercise makes me win in other areas of my life.
I'll end with some pictures of my Mum's birthday. In short, we had fun and lots of delicious food was eaten.
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