Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No, I haven't died...

I've just been super super busy.

I had an unplanned break from the diet (ahhh failure!!) my weight has stayed the same for my last two weigh-ins at home which I didn't post on here. I have lost inches though, so there will be an update on that with 'official' weigh-in #2 on Friday.

I got ill with a stupid cold which didn't go away for about two weeks and Richard arrived so I just didn't really stick to it very well.

I've been back on it this week (although that's only been since monday). My last full day will be Thursday because I have a PLANNED break. We're going away this weekend for my grandma's birthday, so I can't very well bring shakes to a hotel. I'm just not that hardcore.

The diet will resume after though, never fear. The only other break I have is the weekend of my hen party (because no food+alcohol is probably not the greatest idea).

I also went to the gym Monday evening and Tuesday evening. I think I've left it too late to go to spinning class today. It's 6.55am and I'm still sitting in a towel. Spinning starts at 7.30am. Whoooooooooops. Oh well, at least there's Thursday evening.

At least I worked out twice, right?? 

I won't be able to go tonight because I'm making my grandma a cake for her birthday. It's going to be epic. It'll be a rainbow coloured cake (6 freaking layers) with a princess castle made of brownies on top. Please note I've never actually made a cake like this before, or even baked anything in about 3 years. It should get interesting. Even if it's horribly ugly I'm sure I will still take a picture to show to internet land.

Not really much else to report, aside from the fact that I AM HUNGRIES.

Hopefully I'll lose a decent number this week or I'll be angry, considering I started exercising again too. Oh well, only another 2 days till the weigh-in. COME ON WII FIT, BE GOOD TO ME!

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