Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I feel like I've gained about 300lbs...

Literally. I don't think I've been this bloated since Christmas. Next time, someone please remind me not to overcompensate embarking on a crazy diet by stuffing my face for a few days before.

In other news, the package was delivered today, so I'm on track to start tomorrow. I think it's super unlikely that I'll have lost any weight by Saturday - and even so, I'm just hoping to stay the same due to the epic proportions of noms consumed since Friday.

So here we have it. Here is what a month's worth of food looks like:

Is anyone as depressed about this as I am yet??

I am excited though, no matter how many complaints I've made so far. I'm excited to not be bloated any more. I'm sure I'll be even more excited once the weight/inches loss happens. I'll be EVEN MORE excited when my wedding dress fits and I'll be ecstatic if they have to take it in a little (but not in the chest area, that may make me cry). Perhaps I will have to take the obligatory 'start of weight loss unflattering fat photo' for weekly/monthly comparison. Hmmm...

I actually did have photos from when I was around 40lbs (nearly 3 stone) heavier than I am now, but they were on my blackberry which was unfortunately stolen. There are photos on Facebook of me then, but I don't think there are too many, if any, full body shots.

This is my food for tomorrow. Banana shake (did I mention I hate banana flavour stuff?), chocolate shake and a toffee, nut & raisin bar.

Pretty sure I won't look this excited or happy in a few days...

My mum was like 'on the basis of volume alone, you'll lose weight'. I mean LOOK AT IT. It's like, not even food. Even the bar is a lie, it's some weird puffed soya chewy thing! Although, I suppose I may end up being grateful that I actually have something to chew once a day.

I think the packaging is pretty though. It makes it look that bit more enticing - which could equally make it that much more soul destroying. I mean, if it looks pretty but tastes horrible, it's bad times right there.

As far as I remember, the Cambridge Diet packaging wasn't all that aesthetically pleasing and I ended up gagging every time I made a shake after a few days because I couldn't stand the taste. I wonder if I'd have liked it more if the packaging were prettier. They had about a million different shake flavours too. It's like, 'hey, Cambridge Diet, you ain't Baskin Robbins!'

At least with this one, the shakes only come in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and banana. The bars only have two flavours which are the toffee, nut & raisin and chocolate orange. You'd think they couldn't do much to mess up the flavouring.... I'm gonna stop right there before I completely jinx myself.

I don't mind if they're not amazingly delicious, I just hope they're nicer than your average protein shake... and that they don't make me end up gagging by day 5.

I suppose only time will tell. Not long to wait until I try it.

Challenge #1: Complete day 1 of the Exante Total Solution.

Until tomorrow, good sirs!

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