Saturday, August 20, 2011


Like forreal.

The world/my body/God/alcohol hates me.

I gained 6lbs.


My inches haven't changed much though, which is good. I've gained 0.5 inch on my waist, haven't checked my boobs, and my hips are the same.

I was definitely hoping to be smaller though. Why can't I be one of those people who drops loads of weight from stress before they get married? I just hang onto it!

It's also that wonderful time of the month, so I feel all bloated (that could be where that 1/2 inch is from). I hope the weight gain is just water retention or something. I don't even know if you can actually have 6lbs of water retention, but we'll just go with that for now.

I'm still 2 inches too big to fit in my wedding dress around my waist.. if I suck the old belly in then I'll fit. But I'm sure that won't work too well for the whole day.

I did buy a pair of those 'suck your flab in' granny panties, so if all else fails hopefully those will do the trick??

My dress fitting is in two hours. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OH GOD.

Stress stress stress.

It needs to look perfect.

I'll need a wider back panel for sure, methinks.

In other news, I had a lot of fun at my hen party last weekend. I didn't take any photos, but others did, so whenever they get put up I'll put some on here.

Two weeks till the wedding. AHHHH I'M GETTING MARRIED IN TWO WEEKS!

Anyway, I will update after the dress fitting. Fingers crossed that I actually fit into it and it looks good this time.

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